From Bach to Bebop: A Corrective Approach to Jazz Phrasing
Hal Galper

Cat #: SH-FM
Retail Price: $34.00
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Edition: Paperback Book with Online Audio Demonstration
Description: 198 Pages
"Galps sums it up in his own words at the beginning of Chapter Three: 'Improvising is the reordering of the notes of a scale into their strongest melodic possibilities.' This book is chock full of ideas that most improvisers never thought of in such detail, in order to achieve this 'reordering', or put simply, theme and variations ad infinitum. What Hal concentrates on for the most part is the very subject that is least discussed in texts of any sort, which is the use of jazz rhythm in order to improvise countless ways on a given line. With the emphasis on feeling the upbeat and half time as a measure of time along with other concepts, what Galper is explaining is offering countless ways of manipulating simple at first, and further on in the book, more complex material, for unlimited possibilities. The Forward Motion theory uses concepts of displacement, sequential reordering, unusual accent points, appoggiaturas strategically placed and more.'"
David Liebman
This deep, yet user-friendly book provides a unique view of how to learn to play jazz correctly. Hal, who was the pianist for Cannonball Adderley and Phil Woods, among others, dissects the problem of how the phrasing of many aspiring musicians prevents the music from swinging. Indispensible! Endorsed by Dave Liebman, Bobby Watson, Dr. John Kuzmich and others.
Important note: the musical examples in this book can be played on-line interactively, in your browser by going to a designated URL which is listed in the book.