June 2023 New Print Music Books
JUNE NOTES: We have a very exciting brand new release from our friend Chuck Sher's Sher Music Co.: The Practice Notebooks of Michael Brecker. The legendary saxophonist kept extensive notes on things to practice over the whole span of his career. This book contains over 700 entries, beautifully re-engraved from his hand-written notebooks. Please click on it right below for extensive info and endorsements.
Please see July New Books for the PDF download version of the new Michael Brecker book.
Please click here to view all PDF downloadable books and play-alongs that we now have available--almost 250 total now!
We now proudly feature many of Sher Music's most popular books in PDF download form. Please click here to see all of the Sher Music books we now have available as PDF downloads.

For All Treble Clef Instruments
Paperback Book, Treble Clef Instruments
Our Price: $30.40