A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age ;Music Pro Guides
Bobby Owsinski

Cat #: 333247
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Edition: Paperback Book
Description: 240 Pages
Music 3.0: A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age is a completely updated edition of the original best seller, featuring the latest music business and social media concepts as well as brand-new interviews with a variety of the industry's top movers and shakers.
The book not only takes a look at the music industry's evolution and how we got to Music 3.0, but provides the information that today's musician or music business executive needs to take advantage of the new music industry paradigm:
What has changed? Who are the new players? Why are traditional record labels, television, and radio no longer factors in an artist's success? How do you market and distribute your music in this new world? How do you make money in this new music world? How do you develop your brand? How do you use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as marketing tools? What are the new technologies that are being introduced that will influence how we sell or market? All these questions are answered in the book. This edition also contains new low-cost high- and low-tech tips for marketing and promotion.