A Bilingual Method Using Latin American Melodies; Level 2
Janet Johnson

Cat #: 20571
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Edition: Paperback Book, Piano
Description: 48 Pages
While living in Mexico, Janet taught piano and music education at the Mexican Baptist Seminary from 1984 until 2000. She soon found that her Mexican students did not relate to the folk tunes found in translated piano methods. Janet wrote this new method which uses many childrens and folk melodies original to the Mexican culture. Even though several of the melodies in the first level book are not currently used or well-known, these songs provide a better foundation for teaching basic musical elements in any Spanish language culture. In order to capture the flow of the music more completely, the sequence of the introduction of some elements varies somewhat from traditional methods. For instance, eighth notes are taught much earlier than is customary so that the songs can flow with more authenticity. This material has been used successfully as a teaching tool at the Mexican Baptist Seminary and throughout Mexico since 1994.Note: Level 1 also available, catalog number 99269.Beginning-Intermediate levels.